


Refresh Restart and Breathe

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It has been awhile since I have contributed to my Blog and I thought there is no better time than spring to make a start. 

It seems only yesterday when I felt the calling to promote the south of this beautiful island, Corfu, that we call our home. 

I have been looking back on what was covered in 2020 and I am so very happy to say, that since my beginnings, the attention that has been given to the south by other advertising forums, well, simply fabulous. 

Who would have thought that out of such a difficult and depressing time, that such positiveness for the south would have been created and accomplished. 

I cannot thank enough the support and encouragement so many have shown me during this process, right from the start.

All, have progressed, getting better, stronger, bigger, more popular, more successful.....everyone always going forward, one step at a time. 

I applaud you all !! 

So, it only seems right, that I too, move forward and this will be the case. Corfu South promotions for me was a passion forced calling and that has never waivered. Inspiring people to put the best foot forward, for better or for worse. You know the saying, you won't know if you don't try, and, you don't get if you don't ask.....

Well I am asking you all to still support the cause of CSP and take if forward to its next stage, together, with me. 

Many new businesses now on the market, beautiful properties, rooms, apartments, penthouses, restaurants, creperies, coffee houses bars, the list goes on and on. 

Freely use this advertising site to start yourself off in the South Club or continue with it by adapting and updating your Basic package. Take advantage of the free Facebook page too for regular advertising. We now have 4000 followers and growing.

If you would like me to write for you a Blog then. please do not hesitate to send me details. 

So, let us Restart, Refresh and Breathe into 2023 together. Its going to be a blast !!



Studio Kerkyra
Webmadness Ltd
Corfu South Promotions